The club has members who shoot for both pleasure and competition, but whatever their reason for doing archery we find that people like to see their scores improving over time so we offer a range of schemes and incentives for progression, such as badges to be earned by shooting at club sessions. We also keep members informed about upcoming competitions and any other opportunities we become aware of by email, so keep an eye on your inbox!

If you want to shoot a round at a club session or at a competition, there’s more information on rounds at the top of the Competitions Page, and you can download a scoresheet for a Portsmouth round here if you want to score yourself during the indoor season (a Portsmouth is the most common indoor round). And whether it’s the indoor or outdoor season, you’ll really benefit from setting yourself a goal to work on and keep yourself motivated – have a look at our suggested goals document for some ideas!

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Durham and Northumberland Archery Association (the county we are affiliated to) run an online league throughout the indoor season, and it’s open to both senior and junior members of the club, in all bowstyles ...

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In January 2015 we were one of the first clubs in the country to run an Archery GB ‘Boost Archery‘ coaching course over four weeks for intermediate level archers ...

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Indoor Season

Durham and Northumberland Archery Association (the county we are affiliated to) run an online league throughout the indoor season, and it’s open to both senior and junior members of the club ...

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The Norton Dozen is a scheme that was introduced during the 2018 outdoor season and is mainly aimed at beginners, though more experienced archers can take part as well ...

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Outdoor Season

The 252 scheme involves shooting 3 dozen arrows (after 6 sighters) on a 122cm face at distance of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 or 100 yards, with different coloured badges available for scoring 252 or more (for recurve bows) at each distance. You have to do it twice, though, so we know you’re not just having a lucky day! Scores for compound, longbow and barebow differ – download the scorecard in PDF or Word format to see what you need to score for your bowstyle, for a copy of the full rules for the scheme… and also so that you can print it out and score your 252 round at a club session, of course!

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Indoor Season

New for the indoor season 2018/19, we introduced a scheme that awards badges for scores achieved by shooting a Portsmouth round (60 arrows at 20 yards, one of the most popular indoor rounds). Badges are available for scores of 300 and above, increasing in 50-point intervals to 450, followed by 25-point intervals up to 500, and finally 10-point intervals above 500 points. To obtain a badge, you simply need to shoot the required score at a club session or competition, and show your completed score sheet to a member of the committee!

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Indoor Season

When we first set up the club we wanted to have a progression incentive in place very quickly, so we invented a mini competition to run every other Sunday, where one particular end would be designated the ‘Best Gold’ end, and whoever was closest to the cross in the centre of the target for that particular set of three arrows would have the pride of knowing they won. The competition was so popular that we still run it today, and we even have trophies – one for seniors and one for juniors – for the winners to take home for the fortnight. People’s concentration for those few arrows is unbelievable!

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Indoor Season

For novice archers (those in their first year of shooting) we have a really lovely Novice Handicap Trophy that you can get your name on if you’re the novice archer whose Handicap score improves the most over the indoor season. Just submit three scores for Portsmouth, Worcester or Bray 1 rounds by the end of November to our Records Officer either using the score submission box at club sessions or by emailing them at so they can calculate your starting Handicap score, then continue to submit scores for any of the rounds until the end of March, when they will calculate your final Handicap score and see who has made the most improvement! You’re only a novice once, so it’s well worth a go!

Club Records

(Indoor & Outdoor Seasons)

If you’re really up for a challenge, why not go for a club record? You’ll need to shoot at a competition or in one of the organised rounds we hold from time to time at club sessions. Then, if your score is higher than the current record, just send it to our Records Officer to claim the record for yourself!

If you want to get into competitions but aren’t quite sure how it all works, definitely think about having a go at our Club Indoor Championships in February so that you can experience a competition (scoring, medals and all) in the familiar club environment first! We try to ensure there’s an experienced, supportive club member on each target to look after novices and juniors in particular and answer any questions you may have. There’s no pressure to put in an Olympic performance or anything, just enjoy trying to better your own scores!

Persuaded yet? Okay! If you want to take part in competitions outside of the club, those in the Durham and Northumberland area are listed here on the county website, along with entry forms for the events when they become available, and the results lists when they are published, too, so you can see exactly where you placed for your category. We are often asked which competitions are best for novices and juniors, and whilst all competitions are really welcoming, we would particularly point people in the direction of the below for target archery (field and clout competitions are also available in the county). We’ve given an indication of the month in which the competitions usually take place, but please check the county website for the exact dates as they may vary a little from year to year.

As a trial for 2015, we produced a ‘Competition Banding’ document to help first-time competitors choose suitable competitions to enter. The document is still available here and again this might be a useful starting point because although the dates will differ slightly from year to year, the overall competition calendar is quite similar.


  • DNAA Novice Indoor Championships (Indoor competition: March)

  • Hartlepool Amalgamation Shoot (Outdoor competition: June)

  • DNAA Novice Outdoor Championships (Outdoor competition: July)

  • Teesside Championships (Outdoor competition: September)


As ‘Novices’ (with the exception of the Novice Indoor and Outdoor Championships for those who have been shooting for more than one year), plus:

  • Killingworth Junior Shoot (Outdoor competition: June)

  • Cleadon Junior Shoot (Outdoor competition: July)

If you want to go to a competition not just to win against the people who are there, but also the county’s best ever archers, then check out the County Records for each of the rounds and bowstyles here to see what you need to score! You can also aim for a place on the County Team – ask at a club session if you’re interested in this and we’ll be able to tell you how to go about it. And thinking about your own personal performance, there are various badges to be earned for shooting certain scores in certain rounds; for example, if you shoot in a Record Status WA 1440 round in England, you can claim English Crosses and there are also Rose Awards, WA Stars… basically, lots of shinies you can ask about at the club if you want to know more!