AGM Sunday 20 Oct 24

The AGM is fast approaching, so reminder to all that we will be in the Moline after shooting on Sunday, 20th October.  Everyone is very much welcome, whether you've been with the club from the beginning, joined along the way, or are just starting out.

As part of the AGM we will be voting in the committee for next year.  Anyone is welcome to put their names down for any position - add your name to the list in the green folder.  Or, if you want to shadow someone to see what it's all about, that's good too.  The more volunteers we have, the more awesomer the club is! 
One of the most important things to me is that we don't limit ourselves as a club/committee.  Don't think "they do that job, so I won't put my name down".  Put your name down anyway - maybe it can be shared (or maybe the other person is doing it because they think no one else will?).  And experience doesn't matter - we're all here to help one another! 
See you all there, I hope - Karen