
To join an archery club in Great Britain, there’s often a rather confusing list of fees that many – especially new archers – may think they have to pay individually or that it costs way more than it does. This page will hopefully explain some of that, and how much joining Norton Archers costs!

Paying can either be done via bank transfer, cash or cheque – please speak to our treasurer or contact us for more details.

Membership Fees

Below are the costs to join Norton Archers in 2024/2025, broken down by where they go. Right below, there’s an explanation of what each of these fees are and why we have to charge them! These are all paid in one lump sum to Norton Archers (the amount listed right at the bottom), who then do the legwork of distributing these fees to all the right places.

Archers 21+Archers 18-20Archers 21+ with a disabilityArchers under 18
Norton Archers’ club fee£37.50£37.50£37.50£4.50
ArcheryGB membership fee£60.00£20.00£20.00£20.00
DNAA county fee£5.00£0.50£0.50£0.50
NCAS region fee£2.00£0.20£0.20£0.20
Total fees£104.50£58.20£58.20£25.20

Woah, that might look like a lot of different fees. What are they all for?

Norton Archers’ club fee

That’s us! This is the fee we charge as a club to pay our dues for rent, contribute to the running of the sports complex, to buy target bosses, equipment, tools, etc. This keeps the lights on!

ArcheryGB membership fee

This covers your insurance. It’s a legal requirement for us, as an ArcheryGB club, to ensure all our members are also ArcheryGB members. This also covers things like guidance and coaching, talent and development pathways, ensures you can enter tournaments and also allows you to claim (free!) awards, badges and records from certain events. ArcheryGB also has a whole heap of other perks it offers it’s members (you even get a magazine!) – see some of them here.

DNAA county fee

To be part of ArcheryGB, all members also need to be a member of their county and region organizations. DNAA is the county our club falls in.This fee helps to fund county competitions and events such as junior and senior coaching days.

NCAS region fee

As described above, NCAS is the region our club falls in. This fee helps to fund regional competitions and events.

Line fees

The club charges line fees for each time you shoot – this helps cover wear and tear of bosses alongside pay for the target faces you’ll be shooting into. Line fees differ for indoor and outdoor – and for those dedicated archers or families of archers, our monthly line fee payments are a much more economical way of paying.

Indoor line fees (per session)

Archers 18+Archers under 18
Club members£3.00£1.50
Club hub members (Heugh Bowmen, Teesside University)£3.00£1.50
Guest archers£4.00£2.00

Outdoor line fees (per session)

Archers 18+Archers under 18
Club members£2.00£1.00
Club hub members (Heugh Bowmen, Teesside University)£2.00£1.00
Guest archers£3.00£1.50

Monthly membership (covers all sessions in a month)

Archers 18+Archers under 18Family (1 archer 18+, 1 archer under 18)

Equipment hire

The club has a vast amount of equipment available to hire, across multiple bowstyles, handednesses and draw weights. We charge a flat fee of £1 per session to hire any and all of the club equipment – this pays for wear-and-tear and repairs needed to the kit over time.