Club Sessions

The club shoots indoors October-March and outdoors April-September. Session times and locations can be found below. Some sessions may be altered due to other events happening on the Sports Complex or tournaments Norton Archers is hosting – for up-to-date information, please view the Events page.

If you’re not a club member and it’s your first time shooting with us, please bring your AGB card – and if possible, reach out to us via our Contact Us page to make sure someone is there to greet you.

Indoor times (Oct-Dec)

  • Tuesdays 5-8pm
  • Thursdays 5-8pm
  • Sundays 1-5pm

Indoor times (Jan-Mar)

  • Tuesdays 5-8pm
  • Saturdays 2-5pm
  • Sundays 1-5pm

Outdoor times (Apr-Sep)

  • Wednesdays 5-8pm
  • Fridays 5-8pm
  • Sundays 1-5pm


All of our shooting happens at the Norton Sports Complex – please find directions on the Visit Us page.

We have three separate outdoor ranges – we’ve given them nicknames for fun! Usually, we’ll shoot outdoors on the “Little John” range. To access the range from the car park, please head over the railway bridge then follow the path up past the hockey pitches, through the gate past the football pitch (which is also our competition field during events!) and keep going to the cluster of trees. This will take you to our outdoor practice range.

In some rare occasions, we may need to shoot on either the Robin Hood or Maid Marian backup fields – this will be made clear via club announcements or emails.